Power for Your Vintage Portable Radio
Reproduction Batteries and Connectors
for all Trans-Oceanic Models, Hallicrafters TW-1000, and RCA Strao-World

At right, a reproduction Eveready 752 battery and connector. The reproduction owners manual for the B600 is available on Ebay from various sellers. Reproduction manuals, service literature, and advertising are available from various sources on eBay for Zenith and Hallicrafters. In fact, you can find almost anything you need for your Trans-Oceanic or other vintage radio on Ebay.

Above left, a homemade battery using 60AA cells for the B supply and 6 D cells for the A supply. At left is Jim Poitivient's abbattery in a replica Zenith Z-985 box. Below left to right, is another view of a reproduction Z-985, replica Z-1 battery, and a reproduction connector. Below, right, is the abbattery in a replica Z985 box installed in a B600.

At left, a reproduction battery is
perfect for restoration, repair, or alignment work, and much safer
than working with household current.

Right, a reproduction Z-985 AB box
installed in a Zenith 6G601 portable.
The series of photos below show several of the steps in the manufacture of the Z-1 battery replica and the male battery connector.

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